
Annunciation Catholic Church has many ministries and activities to help you become involved in our parish community. Please contact the parish office if you would like more information about any of our Ministries:

Altar Servers / Cross Bearers

This ministry is a very important part of our liturgies as it is meant for service at the altar by assisting the priest and deacon. The Altar Server includes carrying the incense , the processional Cross and the candles during the procession, holding the Roman Missal for the priest when needed and preparing the Altar during the Offertory. Boys and girls from Grade IV and up serve the Church with their dedication and participation in our liturgies. Being an altar server enhances the spiritual growth of the your involved, provides interaction, and helps develop self-confidence.

Cross Bearers - The Cross Bearer leads the procession with the Cross or Easter Candle, and hold the Sacramental and Lectionary for the celebrant.  This is an apt ministry for teenagers or adults.

Children's Liturgy - Coordinator - Hellen Juma

The readings and homily often cannot be grasped by young parishioners. Children aged three years to Grade VI are invited during the 11 am Mass, every other week, to celebrate God's Word at their level of understanding in Room 1.

The Children's Liturgy is presented throughout the school year with easy-to-follow lesson plans.  This ministry welcomes volunteer leaders interested in sharing their faith and enriching the lives of the children in our parish.

Counters - Coordinator - Marissa Tungul

Each week our counting teams rotate and count the money received through parishioner's donations , and prepare the deposits for the bank. In confirming the amount the donation with the amount recorded on the envelope, they ensure that each parishioner is given accurate credit. The amounts are recorded by the Business Manager into Church Watch so as each parishioner will be given an official taxable receipt at year end. Church Watch is the current software of choice, and what this does it records the parishioners donation and where they would like the donation to go to.

  • Preauthorized Donations (PAD) allow you to set up electronic withdrawals of donations while still giving you the option of where the donation goes. When you wish to stop this arrangement we will stop it upon your request. Should you wish to donate using this method please see the Business Office to set you up or visit the Donate page.

Extraordinary Ministries of Holy Communion - Almut Englberger

This ministry assists to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. They are Extraordinary Ministers as the Ordinary Ministers of holy Communion is a Bishop, a Priest or a Deacon. Training is required to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.

Hospitality (Ushers & Greeters) - Coordinator - Paul Cavalier / Laurie Montgomery-Prytula

Ministers of Hospitality welcome and greet people as they arrive for Mass, as they would welcome friends to their homes. Both visitors and regular members of our congregation alike are made to feel welcome and their presence valued.

These ministers also:

  • Seat Parishioners as the need arise
  • Organize the collection after the homily
  • Assign or assist a family tto take the gifts to altar (a member of hospitality takes the collection)
  • Direct parishioners to the communion ministers and give priority to those requiring assistance

  • After Mass, hand out Bulletins. tidy the church and take food donations to the Food Pantry (organized by SSVP)

Lectors - Coordinator - Alice Turlock

Being a lector at Annunciation Parish is one of the few ways that you can meaningfully participate in your parish without dedicating an abundance of your time. Lectors are asked to proclaim the Word  about once every six weeks, depending on the Mass.

A "Lector's Kit" is given to you upon volunteering. This kit contains information that you will need to confidentiality proclaim the Word. New lectors are most welcome.

Liturgical Support

  • Linen Keepers - Coordinator - Carol Reimer
    The linens used in the Eucharist celebrations are washed and ironed by volunteers.
  • Music Ministry - Coordinator Bobet Pecson
    Annunciation Parish is privileged to enjoy the participation of five choirs, and their music enhances our celebrations. There is always room for anyone who wants to become a member of any or our choirs, or would like to accompany with an instrument.
  • Visitors Ministry - Coordinator Julia Sax
    Members of the Visitors Ministry provide home visitations for the sick in our Parish, and provide support for caregivers. They also provide Holy Communion to the Catholic patients at the Misericordia Hospital, and numerous other nursing homes and extended care facilities within our Parish. This ministry brings communion to those that are sick or infirm. This Ministry provides the sick or home bound parishioners opportunities to stay connected with the Parish.